Monday, 18 June 2007


My kids love cooking....or should I say 'helping' out in the kitchen! Cooking is something that we all have to do everyday - so why not let the kids help out? I bet the first thing that comes to mind is 'MESS'.....and then 'safety'...and a whole list of other reasons why you wouldn't want you little ones in the kitchen. I wonder how many people actually cook with their children, and if not, why not?

After asking around, most of my friends don't encourage it, as they cant stand the mess, or haven't go the time, or can ever think of what to cook, or never have the right ingredients to hand. I was also surprised by how many people do actually actively cook with their children.

And so then came my inspiration. What if there was a point of reference for mums to go to that had a whole range of information based on children's cooking. A place where they could get simple, quick and easy recipes. A place where they could pick something to cook and be certain that they would already have the ingredients required. A place where they could even buy cooking/baking equipment especially for children.

Well now they can! is an online Kids cookery store that contains all the ingredients for healthy, happy children. Just add FUN.

We are hoping to get the site up and running sometime in July!


Elaine said...

Looking good - can't wait to see what you've got when you open - WE LOVE COOKING!

Summer Naturals said...

It is really Good, I am with Elaine, i can't wait to see what you will have in store.

Hannah Walker said...

I'm very excited to see the new site!!!

Unknown said...


I'm Suzie, Dancing Queen from Damsels, and I have to say I'm really looking forward to seeing your new site! I adore cooking, and my 2 yr old DD Elise loves helping, so I'll certainly be interested!

Good luck!

Suzie ~xx~

Whassat said...

good luck PFC xx

saraeden said...

my kids love cooking ... they have always helped me in the kitchen !!!

good luck with it all

sara x